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Léopold Gaza – Waterloo

Léopold Gaza – Who am I ? Hello to you, I am a hypnotherapist, sound therapist and astrologer. Hypnotherapist My career began in 1999 at the University of Brussels in General Psychology. Attracted by chemistry, I then turned to pharmacology and became a pharmacist assistant. After ten years and a need for profound change, I…

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Deborah Deschryver – Etterbeek

Deborah Deschryver – Who am I ? Therapist, expert in parental burnout and coach, I receive children from an early age, adolescents and adults individually, as a couple or as a family in Etterbeek and Uccle. Having several specializations and training, I also built my area of expertise thanks to my experience in a mental…


Caroline Horschel – Lillois – Biercée

Caroline Horschel – Wer ich bin ?Psychologin Menschen, die eine Psychotherapie in Anspruch nehmen, tun dies häufig, weil sie in ihrem Leben mit Schwierigkeiten konfrontiert sind. Diese Schwierigkeiten können viele Formen annehmen, von der Trennung oder Problemen in einer Beziehung bis hin zu Stress am Arbeitsplatz, unangenehmen, wenn auch intensiven Gefühlen oder der Verarbeitung schmerzhafter…


Caroline Horschel – Lillois – Biercée

Caroline Horschel – Who am I ? My name is Caroline Horschel,  I am a psychotherapist in transactional analysis . Transactional Analysis is my main working tool. It is a humanistic approach to psychotherapy which is one of four major trends recognized by law. It has as basic principle that all human beings have their…

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Maria Lorenzo García – Liège

Maria Lorenzo García – Quien Soy?Psicólogo La vida no consiste en que pase la tormenta sino en aprender a bailar bajo la lluvia” Esta frase, atribuida a Séneca, refleja bien lo que pretendemos al acercarnos a la consulta de un terapeuta: aprender a bailar bajo la lluvia. Psicóloga desde el año 2000. Inscrita en la…

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Esteban Casielles – Uccle

Esteban Casielles – Quien Soy?Psicólogo Si estás pensando en emprender un proceso de coaching, probablemente sea porque te sientes atrapado en una situación que te preocupa. Coach Ya sea vinculado a tu vida privada o profesional, a una relación de pareja o a una pérdida de sentido, probablemente deseas un cambio sin atreverte a emprenderlo…

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Nebil M’Rad – Ixelles – Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve

نبيل مراد – من أنا أخصائي نفساني معتمد من قبل الهيئة البلجيكية للأخصائيين النفسانيين، بخبرة عملية بعشرين سنة مكتسبة في الجزء الأكبر منها في شمال افريقيا وفي الجزء الباقي في أوروبا، متكون نظريا وتطبيقيا في مجال التحليل النفسي، أتيح المرافقة النفسية والعلاج النفسي التحليلي فضاء العيادة الذي اتيحه هو فضاء اصغاء لا مشروط، فضاء استقبال…

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Angelina Cardella – La Louvière

Angelina Cardella – Chi sono ?psicoterapeuta Sono Angelina, sono empatica, premurosa ed extralucida. Questo è ciò che mi caratterizza e mi ha spinto verso piani adeguati con me stessa: sono madre di 3 figli, moglie realizzata, sono insegnante di storia francese nella scuola secondaria da quasi 25 anni e da quasi 5 anni sono life…

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Claudia Savu – Wépion

Claudia Savu – Cine sunt eu ?Psicólogo Bine ați venit pe pagina mea! Voi începe prin a mă prezenta. Mă numesc Claudia Savu și dețin un Master în Psihologie, acesta dându-mi dreptul să port în Belgia titlul de psiholog, protejat de lege. Dețin de asemenea un Certificat Universitar în Sexologie Clinică obținut la Universitatea Catolică…

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William Bordes – Woluwé-Saint-Lambert

William Bordes – Who am I ? Father of two Franco-British children, I was lucky to have fulfilled a life at the crossroads of cultures of the five continents and to meet people of all backgrounds. Coach I draw from this a deep affection for people, their complexity, nuances, and their immense potential. And I…