claudia savu - psychologue namur

Claudia Savu – Wépion

Despre mineFaceți o programare Claudia Savu – Cine sunt eu ?Psiholog Bine ați venit pe pagina mea! Voi începe prin a mă prezenta. Mă numesc Claudia Savu și dețin un Master în Psihologie, acesta dându-mi dreptul să port în Belgia titlul de psiholog, protejat de lege. Dețin de asemenea un Certificat Universitar în Sexologie Clinică…

william bordes coach bruxelles

William Bordes – Woluwé-Saint-Lambert

About meMake an appointment William Bordes – Who am I ? Father of two Franco-British children, I was lucky to have fulfilled a life at the crossroads of cultures of the five continents and to meet people of all backgrounds. Coach I draw from this a deep affection for people, their complexity, nuances, and their…

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Sorush Missaghi – Auderghem – La Hulpe

About meMake an appointment Sorush Missaghi – Who am I ? Since my childhood I have been seeking Self, Mind and Body, as my father put me on my spiritual path, “know yourself”. I started yoga in the family since my childhood; Leaving my home country Iran, I first landed in India, Pune where I…

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Damien Kauffman – Liège – Huy

About meMake an appointment Damien Kauffman – Who am I ? I am a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, practicing therapeutic counselling (private practice + institutional + home visits) since 2007. Having an easy and casual contact, I aim for maximum utility. I am certified by the Belgian Commission of Psychologists and work in compliance with…

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Emmanuel Donnet – Forest

About meMake an appointment Emmanuel Donnet – Who am I ?Psychologist I have always been fascinated by the human being, this strange creature evolving, with all its richness and complexity, in a reality which it tries to give sense to. I pursued a degree in Psychological Sciences, to understand what seemed to me the most…

celine lietar - psychologue bruxelles

Celine Lietar – Uccle – Grez-Doiceau

About meMake an appointment Celine Lietar – Who am I ? Trained as a clinical psychologist, my practice gradually specialized in working with young adults. Through the latter, I was also able to encounter and work with notions such as trauma, eating disorders, addiction… In addition to university training, a specialization in analytic psychotherapy at…

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Christophe Abbès – Schaerbeek – Braine-le-Château

Over mijMaak een afspraak Christophe Abbès – Wie ben ik ? Ik ben een Life Coach gespecialiseerd in energiezorg: van eenvoudige traagheid tot burn-out, aanhoudende vermoeidheid of depressie, ik ondersteun je bij het zoeken en vinden van de middelen die nodig zijn voor jouw genezing. Afgestudeerd aan het ICI (International Coaching Institute-Paris) in 2010 en…

christophe abbes coach bruxelles brabant wallon

Christophe Abbès – Schaerbeek – Braine-le-Château

About meMake an appointment Christophe Abbès – Who am I ? I am a Life Coach specializing in energy care: from a simple sluggishness to burnout through depression, persistent fatigue or depression, I support you in seeking and finding the resources necessary for your healing. Graduated from ICI (International Coaching Institute-Paris) in 2010 and certified…

christophe abbes coach bruxelles brabant wallon

Christophe Abbès – Schaerbeek – Braine-le-Château

Qui suis-je Christophe Abbès – Qui suis-je ? Je suis Life Coach spécialisé en soins énergétiques: du simple coup de mou au burn out en passant par la déprime, la fatigue persistante ou la dépression, je vous accompagne pour aller chercher et trouver les ressources nécessaires à votre guérison. Diplômé ICI (Institut de Coaching International-Paris)…