linda damiani hypnotherapeute waterloo

Linda Damiani – Waterloo

About meMake an appointment Linda Damiani – Who am I ? Mother of two young adults, passionate about painting, reading, and Italy, my journey has been marked by significant transitions, both professional and personal. These experiences have driven me to support people seeking meaning and a different future. Several times, I had to reinvent myself,…

laurence payot hypnotherapeute arlon

Laurence Payot – Arlon

About meMake an appointment Laurence Payot – Who am I ? Hello, My name is Laurence Payot. I am a holistic therapist, hypnotherapist, and rapid transformation coach. I am passionate about individual well-being and have been fortunate enough to turn this passion into my profession. My goal is to guide you in implementing positive and…

fanti maddalena therapeute bruxelles

Maddalena Fanti – Uccle

About meMake an appointment Maddalena Fanti – Who am I ? Maddalena Fanti – Psychopractitioner : Psychosomatic therapy, Therapeutic hypnosis, Clinical EFT My career  Psychopratician  I’ve always been fascinated by how the brain works and by the powers of the mind. Before putting this fascination at the heart of my professional practice, I worked for…

Luisa Mannu - therapeute Bruxelles

Luisa Mannu – Schaerbeek – Brussels

About meMake an appointment Luisa Mannu – Who am I ?Therapist Schaerbeek My name is Luisa Mannu and I am a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT), Life Coach and grief Counsellor. I practise in Brussels, near the European institutions ,  in English, French and Italian. I am a specialist in all kinds of problems related to…

Luisa Mannu - therapeute Bruxelles

Luisa Mannu – Schaerbeek – Bruxelles

Su di meFissare un appuntamento Luisa Mannu – Chi sono ? Mi chiamo Luisa Mannu e sono Terapeuta Cognitivo-Comportamentale, Coach di vita e “Counsellor “. Ricevo a Bruxelles, a Schaerbeek (a pochi passi dal quartiere europeo) e a Woluwé Saint-Lambert (Roodebeek), e svolgo la mia attivita’ in italiano, francese ed inglese. Offro il mio supporto terapeutico…

maria cimaglia psychotherapeute bruxelles kraainem

Maria Cimaglia – Etterbeek – Kraainem

Su di meFissare un appuntamento Maria Cimaglia – Chi sono ? Psicoterapeuta, life coach e mediatore familiare certificato, il mio lavoro e la mia passione sono quelle di aiutare le persone e le famiglie a superare le difficoltà della vita e a ricostruirsi. Sono stata avvocato specializzata in diritto di famiglia e consulente legale in…