Luisa Mannu - therapeute Bruxelles

Luisa Mannu – Schaerbeek – Brussels

About meMake an appointment Luisa Mannu – Who am I ?Therapist Schaerbeek My name is Luisa Mannu and I am a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT), Life Coach and grief Counsellor. I practise in Brussels, near the European institutions ,  in English, French and Italian. I am a specialist in all kinds of problems related to…

amaru de la motta psychologue hypnotherapeute bruxelles

Amaru De la Motta – Uccle – Forest

About meMake an appointment Amaru De la Motta – Who am I ? As a therapist my journey began with my own therapists, and it’s only after I’d worked in various domains such as photography, computers and education that I went back to university, having travelled and lived many walks of life. It’s been 15…

Luisa Mannu - therapeute Bruxelles

Luisa Mannu – Schaerbeek – Bruxelles

Su di meFissare un appuntamento Luisa Mannu – Chi sono ? Mi chiamo Luisa Mannu e sono Terapeuta Cognitivo-Comportamentale, Coach di vita e “Counsellor “. Ricevo a Bruxelles, a Schaerbeek (a pochi passi dal quartiere europeo) e a Woluwé Saint-Lambert (Roodebeek), e svolgo la mia attivita’ in italiano, francese ed inglese. Offro il mio supporto terapeutico…

luithlen sibylle therapeute bruxelles

Sibylle Luithlen – Ixelles

Über michEinen Termin machen Sibylle Luithlen – Wer ich bin ? Therapeutin Ixelles Parallel zum Studium der Germanistik und Romanistik und meiner Tätigkeit als Schriftstellerin habe ich mich zwanzig Jahre lang mit den verschiedenen Strömungen der Psychologie beschäftigt: von der klassischen Psychoanalyse über die Analytische Psychologie nach Jung, die sich unter anderem stark mit Träumen…

xu justin psychologue bruxelles

Justin Xu – Schaerbeek

Over mijMaak een afspraak Justin Xu – Wie ben ik ? Psycholoog Individuele therapie Iedereen ervaart moeilijke momenten of perioden in zijn leven. Het ongenoegen komt uit onszelf, uit onze vriendenkring en onze relatie, uit ons werk, uit ons gezin en uit onze omgeving. We voelen ons niet gehoord of begrepen door de anderen. We…

xu justin psychologue bruxelles

Justin Xu – Schaerbeek

About meMake an appointment Justin Xu – Who am I ? Psychologist Individual analysis Everyone is unique and needs to be understood in her/his unique life story. An individual analysis is a process of exploration and discovery of yourself. Within this process a secure therapeutic relationship is the key element. This relationship provides you a…

psychologue liege daniela vaduva

Daniela Vaduva – Liège

Despre mineFaceți o programare Daniela Vaduva – Cine sunt eu ?Psiholog Bine ati venit ! Ma numesc Daniela Vaduva si sunt psiholog clinician si psihoterapeut de orientare experientiala cu formari in Programare Neuro-Lingvistica si Analiza Reichiana (Analiza Psiho-Somato-Energetica). Psiholog Dupa mai multi ani de experienta profesionala cu un public variat: copii si adolescenti care-si cauta…

gaza leopald hypnotherapeute waterloo

Léopold Gaza – Waterloo

About meMake an appointment Léopold Gaza – Who am I ? Hello to you, I am a hypnotherapist, sound therapist and astrologer. Hypnotherapist My career began in 1999 at the University of Brussels in General Psychology. Attracted by chemistry, I then turned to pharmacology and became a pharmacist assistant. After ten years and a need…

deborah deschryver therapeute bruxelles uccle etterbeek

Deborah Deschryver – Etterbeek

About meMake an appointment Deborah Deschryver – Who am I ? Therapist, expert in parental burnout and coach, I receive children from an early age, adolescents and adults individually, as a couple or as a family in Etterbeek and Uccle. Having several specializations and training, I also built my area of expertise thanks to my…