Caroline watelet therapeute hypnotherapeute sophrologue bruxelles

Caroline Watelet – Schaerbeek – Woluwé-Saint-Lambert

About meMake an appointment Caroline Watelet – Who am I ? Therapist Schaerbeek Hello, I trained as a physiotherapist and have always worked in the field of mental health. The question is often asked, and sometimes puzzled: what can a physiotherapist do in the field of psychotherapy? However, the links and similarities between these two…

alexandre tissot gestalt therapeute bruxelles

Alexandre Tissot – Forest

About meMake an appointment Alexandre Tissot – Who am I ? Gestalt therapist Forest I’m 47 years old, I’m married and the father of two children. Gestalt therapist Forest Creative artist, pedagogue in Higher Art Schools and Gestalt Therapist. I see life as a paved road, which we build little by little, as we go…

oriane schreuer coach therapeute bruxelles

Oriane Schreuer – Watermael-Boitsfort

About meMake an appointment Oriane Schreuer – Who am I ?Therapist Hello, my name is Oriane, I live in Brussels but I am from Verviers in Belgium and I am going to turn 33 years old. I am passionate about people, the discovery of new cultures and people, self-development, communication and the transmission of my…

delphine remy therapeute bruxelles

Delphine Remy – Kraainem

About meMake an appointment Delphine Remy – Who am I ? My name is Delphine Remy, I am a psychotherapist trained with Gestalt (Belgian Institute for Gestalt) and Sandplay (with Nicole Deschrevel founder of the IBG). Psychotherapist Kraainem I accompany: Parents encountering difficulties: parenthood support, transgenerational work, how to find your way between « Behavior, emotions…

Luisa Mannu - therapeute Bruxelles

Luisa Mannu – Schaerbeek – Brussels

About meMake an appointment Luisa Mannu – Who am I ?Therapist Schaerbeek My name is Luisa Mannu and I am a Cognitive Behavioural Therapist (CBT), Life Coach and grief Counsellor. I practise in Brussels, near the European institutions ,  in English, French and Italian. I am a specialist in all kinds of problems related to…

amaru de la motta psychologue hypnotherapeute bruxelles

Amaru De la Motta – Uccle – Forest

About meMake an appointment Amaru De la Motta – Who am I ? As a therapist my journey began with my own therapists, and it’s only after I’d worked in various domains such as photography, computers and education that I went back to university, having travelled and lived many walks of life. It’s been 15…

Luisa Mannu - therapeute Bruxelles

Luisa Mannu – Schaerbeek – Bruxelles

Su di meFissare un appuntamento Luisa Mannu – Chi sono ? Mi chiamo Luisa Mannu e sono Terapeuta Cognitivo-Comportamentale, Coach di vita e “Counsellor “. Ricevo a Bruxelles, a Schaerbeek (a pochi passi dal quartiere europeo) e a Woluwé Saint-Lambert (Roodebeek), e svolgo la mia attivita’ in italiano, francese ed inglese. Offro il mio supporto terapeutico…

luithlen sibylle therapeute bruxelles

Sibylle Luithlen – Ixelles

Über michEinen Termin machen Sibylle Luithlen – Wer ich bin ? Therapeutin Ixelles Parallel zum Studium der Germanistik und Romanistik und meiner Tätigkeit als Schriftstellerin habe ich mich zwanzig Jahre lang mit den verschiedenen Strömungen der Psychologie beschäftigt: von der klassischen Psychoanalyse über die Analytische Psychologie nach Jung, die sich unter anderem stark mit Träumen…